Ratas at the conference of employers: the state and the private sector should combine their efforts in the wake of the fourth industrial revolution

Apr 05
Created: 05 April 2018

Societal development is only possible through cooperation between the private and public sector, setting the interests of people as its focal point, said Prime Minister Jüri Ratas, when speaking at the Estonian Employers’ Confederation conference Kite Flight 2018 – How Do We persist? 

Ratas invited employers to see the state more as a constructive partner, not only directing the allocation of financial resources, but contributing to the acceleration of innovation and growth of productivity in many ways. ‘Development means being active on multiple fronts. In the wake of the fourth industrial revolution it is of particular importance that the public and the private sector combine their efforts,’ said the Prime Minister.

According to him, the key to future success, both internationally and domestically, lies in our openness, flexibility and the degree of engagement in our development, and how well are we able to work together, despite belonging to different value spheres. ‘This means openness towards new ideas and restructuring, readiness to take risks and adopt new technologies,’ said Ratas, who emphasised that both the state and the private sector must contribute more to support innovation.

The Estonian Employers’ Confederation conference Kite Flight 2018 focused on the biggest challenge in Estonia today – the declining population and the problems arising from it, including on the labour market.

‘Estonia has about seven times fewer industrial robots per employee than the world’s average. Estonia is surpassed, for example, by Greece and Romania, and followed by Brazil; however, we are lagging exponentially behind high-income countries. This is an overlooked opportunity that needs to be addressed in the implementation of the green paper on industrial policy approved by the government,’ said the Prime Minister, while adding that we must be more open towards allowing foreign workers into Estonia, but also take into account the resource offered by Estonian expatriates. ‘Our economy has demonstrated its flexibility multiple times by adapting to rapidly changing circumstances, a feature that must definitely be preserved,’ stressed the Prime Minister.

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