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About the Party

The Estonian Centre Party is the largest political party in Estonia, with more than 12,600 members.

We have defended and implemented our positions, sought and found political solutions that have helped Estonian society to join the family of democracies without loss of life and blood. We are an association with humanist aims and we want to secure a safe life for the Estonian people in Estonia and among the nations of the world through political decisions and democratic reforms.


The programme will present our vision of the world and the goals we are working towards.

Party Charter

Defines Center Partys objectives, organizational structure, members rights and duties, and guiding principles.


The Centre Party is the oldest political party in Estonia, we united as a single party in 1991, through the Estonian People’s Front.


Want to get involved or get in touch? Find our contact details here.


The strength of the Centre Party lies in our members and supporters. Every member is part of a wider team with the common goal of making Estonia a better place.

For media

Party anthem, symbols and more.