Jüri Ratas, the candidate for prime minister who was authorised by the Riigikogu to form the new government, said that the Estonian society represents many different values, but they should not conflict; all Estonian people should focus on what we have in common, rather than stress the differences.
In his speech, Ratas said that all members of the Riigikogu, all governments and political parties who have led Estonia since we regained our independence, have aimed for building up the best possible state. According to Ratas, Estonia has done well – we are a European country of social welfare, and this reflects in global rankings and indexes.
We ensure the country’s independence and sovereignty; we stand for the constitutional order and for improving the people’s standard of living.
The European social organisation is based on a wealthy and large middle class. Its formation is the key political objective of the Centre Party.
Our target is a secure European welfare state. People work ardently and love their country when the country protects them.