At Saturday’s congress of the Centre Party Youth Assembly, a new leadership was elected to guide the organisation’s activities. Dmitriy Fadin was elected as the new chairman, taking over from Valentina Bortnovsky. Dmitriy Fadin will also become a member of the party’s executive board, in accordance with the party’s statutes. The newly elected chairman, Mr Fadin, stressed the need for unity and cooperation. \”We have a lot of work and challenges ahead of us, which require the contribution and commitment of every member. But I am confident that our team is strong enough to face them. Over the years, we have shown that when we work together, we can achieve great things,\” said Fadin. \”My priorities are clear: to continue to strengthen the voice of young people, both within the Centre Party and more broadly. Our voice must be heard in decisions that affect the course of society.\” Fadin added that the Youth Council aims to ensure that members’ ideas and visions find their place in the political direction of the party and that young people’s contributions are valued and recognised. In addition, he wants to pay close attention to members’ self-development. \”More training, more debates, more opportunities – these are the directions in which we can successfully move forward. The development and growth of everyone is important to us, because that is what makes us a stronger and more capable organisation,\” he assured. Mark Jefimov and Katariina Rüütel were elected as Vice-Chairs of the Youth Council. The new board also includes Aleks Aunapu, Edwina Kostjuk, Enelis Vaikla, Georg Villenberg, Jaana-Maria Froš and Sandra Laur. Daniel Litovtchenko, Erik Rõsljajev and Kristina Pikkur were elected as members of the Audit Committee. Erik Rõsljajev will take up his post as Head of External Relations of the Youth Council. The Estonian Centre Party Youth Council is a voluntary political association of young people up to the age of 30 with a centrist outlook, which participates in the development of democratic Estonia and the European Union through the all-round self-education of its members, cooperation between young people and open social dialogue.
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